Schedules Funerals
Nove Žale Cemetery / MRLIŠKA VEŽICA 3
11. January 2025, at 14:00
Have a look at the list of schedules funerals to find out where and when the deceased will be buried.
The funeral service can be filmed and streamed online on request.
You can easily find one's grave by entering the deceased's details in our find-a-grave search tool and light a virtual candle.
You can tour all our cemeteries virtually from the comfort of your home.
Download the Artour mobile app – a fast and easy way to find a grave.
Express your condolences with a floral tribute. Sometimes it’s hard to find the right words, so let flowers do the talking.
A sympathy card that includes a voucher for flowers, candles, graveside gardening or stonemasonry services.
Choosing a headstone to mark a loved one’s grave is an important decision – let our experts help you.